tdf#120397 FILESAVE doesn't save all the text in text box control [Balazs Varga]
tdf#149907 Standard Filter demands change on "Value" field, otherwise it does not update results [Samuel Mehrbrodt]
tdf#156348 Crash if change in formatting in Writer by converting text to table with field variable [Michael Stahl]
tdf#158198 My macro changes the bookmark text and the bookmark disappears [Michael Stahl]
tdf#158221 Insert bookmarks dialogue takes a very long time to appear when there are many bookmarks [Michael Stahl]
tdf#158867 Formulas with comma-separated decimals are rendered incorrectly [Michael Stahl]
tdf#161872 regression: ODF X.509 signing doesn't work since libxmlsec 1.2.37 -> 1.3.1 (reason: LO >= 24.2 requires trusted CA) [Miklos Vajna]
tdf#162601 function UNIQUE is case-insensitive in Excel but case-sensitive in Calc [Xisco Fauli]
tdf#164223 Reverse masked object with linear transparency on PDF output with JPG-compression [Patrick Luby]
tdf#165003 Row height minimizes automaticaly at writing direction 90° [Noel Grandin]
tdf#165011 Spreadsheet formula =WEEKNUM(TODAY(),) is not imported correctly from xlsx [Andras Timar]
tdf#165099 CRASH: selecting an animation after slideshow [Mike Kaganski]