version.txt date: 5/15/98 version: 06.30.0240 --------------------------------------------------------------------- This file describes changes and or fixes since the last update. BUG_FIXES: 1. Fixed problem with SQLPrepare and recycling used statements. This fixes the problem with MS Access "Save As/Export ODBC" which creates a table and populates it. 2. Escape apostrophes (') in Parameters. Fixes parse error when apostrophes are contained in data being inserted/updated. 3. Enhanced SQLPutData for numeric->character conversion. MSQuery would fail on insert/update. NEW FEATURES: 1. Datasource option to show the OID column. For MS Access this is a good field to specify as the unique identifier, especially if there is no key for the table OR the key has many parts (backend canonifier problem). 2. Datasource option to "fake" an index on OID. If you are showing OID's, AND you dont have a real index on OID, this will cause the driver to report one, allowing applications which can't ask for the information (i.e., Access 2.0) to use OID as a unique identifier. 3. Discriminate between types TABLE and VIEW in SQLTables.